Friday, June 30, 2017

What Conservatives Believe: Bias is a Four-Letter Word – Part I

The conservative adheres to CUSTOM, CONVENTION, and CONTINUITY.”  Russell Kirk – Ten Conservative Principles
If we played a word association game around the word conservative I’ve little doubt some imaginations would conjure up a crotchety, elderly, balding, Caucasian male spouting derogatory obscenities while complaining about the minorities down the street.  Conservatism has an image problem.  The intellectual godfathers of the conservative movement were predominantly white males; even to this day the movement is dominated by wrinkly, white men.
To the Millennial generation—the most diverse generation in American history—this alone creates a significant barrier in adopting conservatism as a worldview.  It can be difficult for minorities to fit in with a group that looks so very different from themselves.  Generations have always found things to squabble about and occasionally a defining historical advent will highlight the different mindsets between them, such as the election of Donald Trump.  The majority of Millennials—conservative or not—were aghast that older generations would elect a candidate who—while not overtly racist—frequently said things that were cringingly bigoted.