Thursday, March 23, 2017

Re-igniting Conservatism for Millennials

Millennials defending and expressing conservative values

  For the millennial generation, liberty has never been in a more precarious predicament.  As the left undergoes a resurgence in socialism the right is experiencing a rise in populism, nationalism, and authoritarianism.  Once the champions of conservative values, the Republican party is in danger of devolving into a group of self-serving career politicians and a small but influential minority seek to replace conservatism with blatant bigotry and reactionary fear.

  Saving Elephants is a blog devoted to saving the Republican party as it faces the twin threats of its demagoguery from within and looming extinction at the hands of demographic trends from without.  It’s time the party got back to its roots.  It’s time to re-ignite conservatism for Millennials!